Yes, I Do Cry

Even as an adult, I cry at times. Sometimes, there is no reason to but tears just flow out. Every time, I know my significant other is going overseas, I get emotional. I begin to miss her.

The Emotional Me

Society says do not make decision with your emotions and I agree with that statement. But as human beings we are allowed to have emotions because it is natural.

Embracing the tears and then I pause to ask myself: why?

That is when I am certain I love her so much. Life without her feels empty and I pray for her and our relationship to get better and better.

Consequences of Not Crying

Ego tells us not to cry and bottle those tears. Eventually, that bottle will implode. The other consequence is the worsening of mental health. The interconnection between emotional and mental is absolute in the human body. It can also manifest into anger and that is not good.

I embrace crying when I know I need a release from stress, emotional release etc. Because I proritize my well-being and I know my love for my significant other is strong.





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